In general, scholarships are awarded to the students who excel academically or are able to demonstrate their worth by passing a scholarship-cum-admission test. Through these scholarships, students are empowered to achieve their academic and career goals. Homerton presents the Swami Vivekananda Homerton Academic Scholarship 2023-24 (S.V.H.A.S. through which meritorious students can receive a scholarship of up to 100%).
- How to apply for the Scholarship?
Log on to:
- What is the eligibility criteria for the scholarship?
Any students who is right now studying in class VIII to XI (2022-23 Academic Session)
- What all benefits will the student get in the scholarship?
Upto 100% scholarship will be awarded to meritorious students.
- When is the scholarship test going to take place?
Test will b held on Saturday,17th December 2022. Reporting time 9:00 AM
- Is there any registration fee?
There is no registration fee for the scholarship applicants.
- What are all the subjects the students need to prepare for the test?
For classes IX & X
- English / Hindi / Maths/ Science
For classes XI & XII
- Medical/Non-Medical - English / Hindi / Maths/ Science
- Commerce/Humanities - English / Hindi / SST / Maths
- What will be the syllabus?
The syllabus will be provided after completing the registration process.
- What will be the Pattern of the Question Paper?
Subjective & Objective
- What will be the time duration of the examination?
3 hrs
- Are there any documents required for the registration of Scholarships?
No documents are required for registration.
- Is there any requirement for ID proof at the time of examination?
On the day of the examination, student must carry a photocopy of his/her Adhaar Card & their ID proof issued from their existing school.
- When will the Roll Numbers be issued to the students?
On the day of the examination, the same can be collected during document verification during reporting time.
- What is the last date of Registration?
Registration closes on 14th December 2022.
- What is the venue for the examination?
Homerton Grammar School Sector 21A, Faridabad.
- When and how will be the Result be declared?
The result will be declared on 22nd December 2022, the qualified students will be communicated through telecon& E-Mail.
- Instructions for the day of the examination?
-Students are expected to dress in smart casual attire (winter wear)
-Carry your own stationery
-Carry a photocopy of Adhaar Card & Student ID card (original)
-Carry your own water bottle
-Arrive at the venue sharp at 9:00 AM
-Mobile phones/Smartwatches/ Calculators / Any other digital gadget will not be allowed inside the examination hall
-All bags/backpacks will be kept outside the hall
-The school management holds the right to withdraw any student found violating the rules during the examination.
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