How does experiential learning help students of every Faridabad school?
Every school in Faridabad these days are focussing on imparting education through real-life experiences. According to top CBSE schools in Faridabad, this approach helps in creating well-rounded citizens of tomorrow. Read this interesting article by teachers of the...
Why is it important for schools to focus more on project-based learning?
Learning becomes very easy when it is applied in real life. That is precisely what every school in Faridabad focuses on. Students and parents of every Faridabad school are educated on the importance of project-based learning at every stage and how it helps. Top CBSE...
Why should children learn robotics in school?
There has been a paradigm shift in the curriculum of students these days. Gone are the days when bookish knowledge was necessary. But today, students need more dynamic learning. At every school in Faridabad, the curriculum is designed in a manner to include new...
Why is it important for students to learn new vocabulary always?
Learning new words every day is fun. It not only enhances your knowledge but also helps you to communicate better. At every school in Faridabad, learning new vocabulary every day is a very important part of the curriculum. Academicians of every Faridabad school...