+918510888606/07 homerton@homertongrammar.com

In today’s fast paced life people spend most of their time on their mobiles, at their desktops/laptops working or watching movies, on televisions watching movies, games, rom coms, etc. Screen time seems to have become an important part of modern living for adults. Kids too, have to spend a significant amount of their time on screen attending online classes, tutorials, watching recorded class sessions/lectures, playing video games, watching cartoons, etc. It is important to limit screen time for children in particular. Homerton Grammar School – the best CBSE school in Faridabad shares some tips on how parents can limit screen time at home. 

Here’s what most of the good schools in Faridabad suggest parents to do.

Set screen rules and regulations: The best school in Faridabad – Homerton Grammar School suggests that parents should clearly communicate their expectations regarding screen time to their kids. Explain to them when and how screens should be used and what could be the consequences if they break rules.

Lead by example: Children look up to their parents for everything. So, as a parent it is important to start limiting screen time yourself and show your kids how it has helped you. Be their role model.

Create a schedule for screen time: Every Faridabad school makes it a point to tell parents to create a specific schedule for screen time and make children follow that. Make sure to schedule screen time after completing homework or a particular chore. This will help the kids know what to expect and when.

Make screen time a reward: CBSE schools in Faridabad encourage parents to make screen time a reward for kids after they complete a certain task or they display good behavior. This will motivate them to accomplish responsibilities.

Encourage more of outdoor activities: Top 10 schools of Faridabad encourage parents to focus more on organising physical activities and outdoor games as alternatives to screen time. Engaging kids in their hobbies, sports or other activities will enhance their skill and limit screen time.

Use screen time mostly for educational purpose: While children are perpetually on the screen for all kinds of things, the best school in Faridabad – Homerton Grammar School advises parents to limit screen time only for educational content. That will help in striking a balance between screen-based and non-screen-based learning.

Always keep a check on the content children view: Top rated schools in Faridabad suggest parents to always monitor the content kids watch on screen. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the content is age appropriate and aligns with family values.

Use parental controls as much as possible: Use devices that have parental control settings that allow you to set screen time limits and restrict access to certain kind of content.

Set up screen-free zones at home: Set up specific zones at your home where screens are not allowed like the dining room or the bedroom. Try and hold conversations at these places mostly. Also set up a home library if possible and encourage your kids to read rather than spend time on screen.

Teach your kids the effects of screen time: The best public school in Faridabad believes in teaching students about the affects excessive screen time has. Tell them that spending time on the screen can lead to reduced sleep, impaired social skills and decreased physical activity.

Hold open discussion with your child as much as possible: Talk to your child about their screen time habits and encourage them to share their concerns or questions.

Now that you know how to restrict screen time for your child, go ahead and implement it.

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