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Learning by doing is a very important aspect of education these days. What students learn hand-on helps in creating lifelong learning. That is why every school in Faridabad is laying emphasis on integrating experiential learning as a part of the curriculum. But, even you accept and follow the approach, it is important for all to understand what exactly is experiential learning. Academicians of the top 10 schools of Faridabad have put together a piece that explains what experiential learning is and how it helps students. Read to know more.

According to Homerton Grammar School – the best school in Faridabad, experiential learning allows students to gain hands-on experience of real-world concepts by following a process of experiencing, reflecting, thinking and acting. All top CBSE schools in Faridabad believe that this approach of learning benefits school students tremendously by engaging them in the learning process, fostering deeper understanding, and promoting critical skills that ensure their overall development. Checkout some of the key ways experiential learning helps school students:

  • Helps in better understanding and retention: Some of the best CBSE schools in Faridabad like Homerton Grammar School has integrated this learning approach in its curriculum right from the beginning till senior classes. According to them experiential learning enables students to connect with the material in a hands-on manner. When they actively participate in this form of learning, they understand complex concepts better and retain information more effectively compared to traditional rote learning.
  • Develops of critical thinking and problem-solving skills: The best CBSE school in Faridabad – Homerton Grammar School feels that real-world experiences help students face challenges that require them to think critically and solve problems creatively. This helps develop their analytical and decision-making skills, preparing them for real-life situations.
  • Promotes teamwork and enhances communication: Many experiential learning activities involve group work, encouraging students to collaborate with their peers. This helps them develop essential communication and teamwork skills, which are valuable in both academic and professional settings.
  • Develops self-confidence and independence: This active learning method involves participation in self-directed projects where students take ownership of their learning process. Successfully navigating these projects builds their self-confidence and fosters a sense of independence.
  • Encourages learning beyond the books: At Homerton Grammar School, counted among the best CBSE schools in Faridabad, this form of learning is well integrated into the curriculum. For instance, a topic like sense organs and their sensory roles was taught by engaging students in activities like action dances, rhymes & songs, model making, craft work, audio visuals & presentations and experiments.
  • Personalised learning: Experiential learning can be tailored to individual students’ interests and learning styles. This personalised approach helps cater to diverse learners and allows each student to explore their passions and strengths.

Incorporating experiential learning into the curriculum provides a more dynamic, engaging, and effective educational experience, preparing students not just academically, but also for the challenges and opportunities of the real world.

To know more, watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe2IQ0nj2zg

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