Legacy Ceremony
Homerton Grammar School bids an indelible farewell to the batch of 2023–24 wrapped up in a graceful legacy ceremony. The event honoured the graduating class's contributions and the responsibilities they had ushered in throughout their time in school, lovingly reliving their school days memories.
The graduating students elegantly passed on their beacon of values, beliefs, morals and ethics to their juniors with a responsibility to become the global leaders of tomorrow who are not only academically excellent but are also social, ethical, and responsible citizens. The graduating students expressed gratitude through their heartfelt speeches.
The Academic Director Ms. Susan Kaur expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the parents for trusting the school for shaping the future for their child. She awarded legacy trophies to students who have been an incredible part of Homerton Grammar school from their early years. She inspired students through her motivating words and appreciated teachers’ sincere efforts for contributing to the school’s growth and development.